Fredericia College of Marine and Technical Engineering

Revolutionary engineering programme aimed at the data centre industry

Fredericia College of Marine and Technical Engineering has launched an elective for students at campuses in Esbjerg and Fredericia. The elective has been developed in collaboration with Google.

Who are we?

Fredericia College of Marine and Technical Engineering (in Danish: Fredericia Maskinmesterskole, or for short: FMS) trains operation and maintenance engineers within the Danish education maskinmester, a Bachelor’s degree in engineering. In august 2020, FMS launched a new elective for its students, entitled Data Centre Programme (DCP).
The term maskinmester is virtually impossible to translate into English. However, regardless of their line of business, most maskinmester graduates are employed for operation and/or maintenance purposes, which is why the college has chosen the title operation and maintenance engineers in English, OME for short.
The groundwork for the DCP began when FMS was introduced to management at Google’s new data centre just outside of Fredericia. The potential of FMS focusing on the data centre industry was obvious, and other companies quickly began showing an interest in partnering with FMS in order to ensure the education of skilled labour for the industry.

Competency of the OME Data Centre Specialist

Within a data centre, the OME can oversee all elements from energy entering the facility, storing energy in batteries for backup purposes, cooling the server rooms, and using waste heat from the facility. Thus, the OME is an engineer with a broad knowledge of a wide variety of technical topics. Furthermore, the OME has been taught commercial law and management topics to ensure that they possess the skills to manage e.g. a plant and its personnel.
Other DCP topics are maintenance management, LEAN, Energy and Environment Optimisation, datacentre infrastructure, security as well as operation and management particular to data centres. Furthermore, students will obtain the Certified Data Centre Professional® certificate (CDCP®) in collaboration with EPI, an internationally acclaimed provider of certification courses for the data centre industry. In fact, a number of companies within the data centre industry have already visited FMS as guest lecturers. Among these are Google, Facebook, DataCenterGruppen, NNIT and CBRE.
At the college, a scaled-down version of a data centre is being built in order for the students to be able to get hands-on experience with the workings of a data centre during their education. This will be the first ever data centre built for educational purposes.

Would you like to work with us?

We are always happy to make new acquaintances, whether you would like to e.g. have someone from your company be a guest lecturer at FMS, or if you might have an internship for one of our students doing their final Bachelor project.
When companies take in an intern from FMS, they get a student with a solid foundation within all the topics from the OME palette. The student is prepared to take on challenges within the company and use those as inspiration for their project. An added benefit for the company is that an intern is an extra resource, as the company will likely gain new knowledge from the work and the Bachelor project.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

Jens Færgemand Mikkelsen

Director of resources
+ 45 23 23 51 19