
5 goals of Education

The CEDCE project holds five major objectives. The first one being the creation of a network model for Data Centre education at the regional/national level where educational institutions, (non-)governmental organizations and data centre companies and sector representatives work side by side in the skills ecosystem on data centres. The second objective being the creation of a European-wide Platform of Centres of Vocational Excellence on Data Centres. This network consists of the regional/national clusters mentioned in the previous objectives. The third objective is the creation- and implementation of Pan-European standards for Data Centre education (Data Technician and Facility Engineers) from EQF levels 3 to 7 for current students as well as employees that require up- or reskilling (Lifelong Learning). The fourth objective is the creation- and implementation of an apprenticeship model for Data Centre education from EQF levels 3 to 7 at the local level, as well as through and European mobility opportunities. The fifth and final objective of the CEDCE project is to include 21st century skills trainings in the education programmes (language, team working in intercultural teams, ethics & diversity, problem solving and conflict management skills). All of the above-mentioned objectives will be discussed further explained below.

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1. Network

The first objective, being the creation of a network model for Data Centre education at the regional/national level where educational institutions, (non-)governmental organizations and data centre companies and sector representatives work side by side in the skills ecosystem on data centres has a baseline measurement and a target value. The baseline measurement is while there are some initial collaborations between individual schools and businesses or sector representatives, these official CoVEs currently do not exist. The target value of the objective is that the project aims to develop 5 CoVEs in the 5 countries involved in the project consortium: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, and the Netherlands.

2. Platform

The second objective is the creation of a European-wide Platform of Centres of Vocational Excellence on Data Centres. This network consists of the regional/national clusters mentioned in the previous objectives. The baseline measurement of this objective is that while most of the schools involved in this this project proposal are already collaborating with each other, there is no official Platform of CoVEs yet. The target value is that the project aims to develop 1 Platform of CoVEs representing Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland and the Netherlands.

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3. Standards

The third objective is the creation- and implementation of Pan-European standards for Data Centre education (Data Technician and Facility Engineers) from EQF levels 3 to 7 for current students as well as employees that require up- or reskilling (Lifelong Learning). The baseline measurement of this objective is that all schools involved are currently developing their own standards for Data Centre education (Data Technician and Facility Engineers) at their own relevant EQF level, while there is still a gap between the industry and the educational programs. The target value is that the project aims to develop 1 Pan-European standards for Data Centre education (Data Technician and Facility Engineers) from EQF levels 3 to 7 for current students as well as employees that require up- or reskilling (Lifelong Learning). These standards will formulate common technology wording and references and define the quality competences of graduates at each EQF level related to the respective job opportunities in the industry. This will provide space for external recognition by the industry.

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4. Apprenticeship model

The fourth objective is the creation- and implementation of an apprenticeship model for Data Centre education from EQF levels 3 to 7 at the local level, as well as through and European mobility opportunities. The baseline measurement of this objective is that some schools are organizing apprenticeships at the local level, but this is still very limited. The target value of the project aims to create an apprenticeship model for Data Centre education from EQF levels 3 to 7, while the schools will improve the total amount of apprenticeships (internationally and locally) based on their current number of apprenticeships and educational model.

5. 21st century skills

The fifth and final objective of the CEDCE project is to include 21st century skills trainings in the education programmes (language, team working in intercultural teams, ethics & diversity, problem solving and conflict management skills). All of the above-mentioned objectives will be discussed further explained below. The baseline measurement is to set-up a successful project along the way, it is necessary to measure the current data and facts at the starting point. Therefore, the projects sets out a baseline measurement tool in the first months. This way we can measure the current state of affairs at the full partners, and also ask which steps they want to set in the upcoming for years within this project. This way we know how we can measure to what extent this project is successful. The target value of this objective is to organize, next to technical skills and knowledge relevant to data centre industry, a 21st century skills training at the European level for students in the Data Centre Education Programs.